I pick up vanilla in the nose, a very good sign from the start, with a hint of nutmeg. This wine is full of creamy richness with pear overtones. You can see the creaminess in the body of the wine by its thick legs on the sides of the glass. The color is medium golden.
It is flavorful and complex and finishes with a smoky aftertaste of roasted marshmallows. 14.8% alcohol.
I asked my friends to taste this wine with me and here are their comments: “luscious and creamy”, “elegantly styled, polished body”, “smoky finish, hints of nutmeg and clove in the nose.” Even the non-white wine drinker in the group found plenty of good things to say about this Sbragia Chardonnay.
Overall, I loved this wine. But, I have to warn you, the wine sells for $48.00 at the winery and approximately $40.00 online. When I started this blog, I set out to find reasonably priced, but delicious, creamy or buttery, oaky chardonnays. So, with that said, I would recommend this wine for a special occasion.
I’m still on my mission to find something as delicious but at a lower price!